

Then (1985)

Lynchburg, VA

BD: May 31, 1968


Kyle Van Dyke

Kylie 2001
Ryan 2002


We are moving to Virginia this month (August 2005) and look forward to being closer to everyone. The move is taking up all our time and energy. When we are settled we will be back in contact.

updated 5/24/06

Well, we are finally settling in our house in Lynchburg, Virginia. A big change from tropical island living but we like it. I am only working part-time at Target Pharmacy. Kyle is in a private practice that specializing in Autism, ADD, and such. www.advocates4children.com Kyle also works Urgent Care to pay the bills. I keep busy by doing at least 35hrs/wk of Ryan's behavioral/educational therapy with the help of a consultant/trainer plus running to all the doctor appointments. Ryan [age 3 and severely austic] has made wonderful progress since we started all his biomedical/educational interventions. Kylie {age 4} is my best friend. Kylie is a wonderfully talkative and imaginative child who helps me with everything.  Basically, our life revolves around Autism since we time for nothing else. www.autismspeaks.org/sponsoredevents/autism_very_day.php We
look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!!