Blaylock Dana Reynolds


Kissimmee, FL

BD: Dec 12, 1967

Sean Nichols

Derek Blaylock - 1985
Darby Blaylock - 1989


Life is strange and ironic.  When I left Arkansas, I thought I would never look back.  And yet I miss home everyday.  I guess I will always be a Southern girl at heart.  To say that my life has been an adventure would be an understatement.  I feel I have already lived two lives in this lifetime and I am beginning a third.  My first "life" was spent being married young and raising children.  My second "life" has been spent persuing education and my passions.  I studied to become a Computer Engineer and currently work for NASA.  I have had the opportunity to travel and live abroad.  And now my third "life" begins....I am back in college getting a degree in Architecture and Interior Design.  The plan is to own my own business after my retirement from the IT Industry.  This life includes my husband, Sean and my Lhasa Alpso, Murphy, and a home in sunny Florida.  It also includes more knowledge about hurricanes than I ever wanted to have (4 last year)!  The ironic thing is that I really don't feel much older, especially considering the number of lives I have led.  I do feel much wiser, but I will always be a teenager at heart....listening to loud music and laughing too loud in restaurants. It will be interesting to see what happens next...